Ten New Year’s Resolutions For Small Business Owners In 2023

As the calendar flips to January and another new year begins, a new year brings hope and new possibilities. Now is the perfect time to reevaluate your business and establish goals for 2023.
With that in mind, here are my top ten New Year's Resolutions for Small Business Owners in 2023.

1. Do Not Let a Recession — or Fear of It – Alter Your Growth Plans
2. Don’t Cut Back on Your Marketing
3. Find and Retain Good People
4. Create a Positive Work Environment
5. Update Your Business Plan
6. Focus on Networking
7. Apply Technology to Streamline Processes
8. Continuously Build Your Brand
9. Focus on Others
10. Focus on Yourself

The pandemic taught everyone, particularly small business owners, that it is important to focus on what’s important outside of work. People realized that spending time with family, building in down time, and focusing on health are as important as reaching sales goals.

Yes, seemingly every list of New Year’s Resolutions includes losing weight, quitting smoking, drugs or alcohol, and getting into better shape. These elements are important for both physical and mental health. Identify and manage the stressors in your life, at work and at home. Take time to enjoy what you have accomplished in the business world and try to maintain a health work-life balance.

Happy New Year, everyone!